Joseph and Michael Mayer | 6/ 26/ 1952 | 69

Twins Michael and Joseph Mayer became a staple in the hit TV show I Love Lucy, cast as Little Ricky. Moreover, this was the only time the two appeared in the entertainment industry, but they left a mark on their viewers. With 32 episodes under their belt, it is easy to see why many wondered what happened to the two after the show ended. Instead, the two focused their energy on their education where they were able to get a college degree. Michael did act from time to time, but it wasn’t his bread and butter.

After college, the twins forged their paths with Joseph becoming a missionary while his brother, Michael, became a teacher for special education. The investments that they put into their studies paid off since both are excelling in their careers. The latest news about Joseph was that he is working with Portland General Electric. His brother continues to teach.
