Dick Cavett | 11/19/1936 | 84

Dick Cavett is a famous host who has made a name for his conversational style and in-depth interview discussions that many hosts of today follow. He has talked with many famous personalities, from Woody Allen to Jean-Luc Godard to Sophia Loren and more. Do not be surprised, though; the now-84-year-old TV personality has been on the small screen for about five decades.

Cavett is still active in the business today. He has an online column for The New York Times, hosted replays of his TV interviews, and promoted DVDs of his former shows. In his more than six-decade career, Cavett does not only left a great legacy. He also gets credits for being an inspiration to many. One of them is Stephen Colbert, who commended Cavett’s exciting and unusual guests, along with the way he asked intriguing and profound questions. Colbert also liked the honest way Cavett interviewed people.
