Robert Englund | 6/6/1947 | 74

When Robert Englund played crazed killer Freddy Krueger in the 1984 horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street, he made everyone’s worst nightmares thousand times more terrible. Freddy, on the other hand, was never down for long. He was a nightmare that wouldn’t go away, and his reign of horror isn’t over yet. He’s so terrifying that even Englund is terrified of him.

Englund may not win Oscars or earn the highest wages in Hollywood, but he never goes without work and has lots of freedom to choose the projects he wants to work on. Since winning a supporting role in Buster and Billie, he’s been steadily working in Hollywood. Yet, after playing Freddy, the offers came pouring in. He’s appeared in films including The Phantom of the Opera and TV shows like Bones and Supernatural. In 2020, he presented a show called True Terror on the Travel Channel. To this degree, one may consider Englund to be a horror movie expert in general.
