Tippi Hedren | 01/19/1930 | 91

Tippi Hedren is a Hollywood actress best known for her appearances in Alfred Hitchcock’s Marnie and The Birds. She is also widely known for her active involvement in the animal rescue organization at Shambala Preserve, an 80-acre wildlife sanctuary that she established in the early 1980s.

As a teenager, Hedren took part in modeling in some department store fashion shows, and at 18 years old, she hired a moving company to relocate to New York to build her career. During this time, she appeared on several covers of commercials, print ads, and magazines. When Hitchcock saw her on a commercial for a diet drink, he contacted her to ask if she would want to work on his film projects. From there, Hedren made her on-screen debut, and the renowned filmmaker became her acting coach. For her performance in The Birds, the actress received a Golden Globe for New Star of the Year.
