Jacqueline White | 11/27/1922 | 99

Jacqueline White is a famous veteran of Hollywood. She was born in raised in California and is even childhood friends with fellow actress Lyn Merrick. Her film debut was rooted in the investments of her university, UCLA, in the production Ah! Wilderness, which led to her appearing in the film Song of Russia in 1944. From there, she would frequently appear on B-rated movies and would land the occasional supporting role in big-budgeted films. Eventually, she would find herself under Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and RKO.

Her well-known films include Crossfire, The Narrow Margin, Air Raid Wardens, and Return of the Bad Men. Outside of acting, she married Bruce Anderson in 1948. Together, they relocated to Wyoming, and she would retire from acting altogether. Her husband started an oil business, and they would have four children together. White would continue to occasionally appear at film conventions, which included 2013’s TCM Classic Film Festival. She is currently 98 years old resides in Houston, Texas, with her family.
